Five Minute Shiny: Implement the Missing Switch Input with Bootstrap 5

Nan Xiao 2022-04-14 3 min read

The R code in this post is also available as this GitHub Gist.

Bootstrap 4 and 5 have expanded the types of UI components compared to version 3. On the other hand, the available UI inputs and outputs in Shiny have been relatively stable while being carefully made compatible across different Bootstrap versions through bslib.

Since we can already leverage the native UI components in Bootstrap 5 via bslib, it would be fun to create the R wrappers for the “missing” inputs that were not available in Bootstrap 3. One of the most straightforward examples is the switch input.

A toggle switch input is a checkbox input, with only binary values and different use cases. Therefore, we can borrow shiny::checkboxInput() and apply the necessary changes based on Bootstrap 5 switches without creating custom input bindings in JavaScript. To update the switch inputs, we can even reuse shiny::updateCheckboxInput().

switchInput <- function(inputId, label, value = FALSE, disabled = FALSE, width = NULL) {
  value <- shiny::restoreInput(id = inputId, default = value)
  inputTag <- htmltools::tags$input(id = inputId, type = "checkbox", role = "switch", class = "form-check-input")
  if (!is.null(value) && value) {
    inputTag$attribs$checked <- NA
  if (!is.null(disabled) && disabled) {
    inputTag$attribs$disabled <- NA
    class = "form-group shiny-input-container", style = htmltools::css(width = shiny::validateCssUnit(width)),
      class = "from-check form-switch",
      htmltools::tags$label(label, class = "form-check-label")

updateSwitchInput <- shiny::updateCheckboxInput

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card <- function(title, ...) {
    class = "card",
    htmltools::tags$div(class = "card-header", title),
    htmltools::tags$div(class = "card-body", ...)

ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
  title = "Bootstrap 5 Switches for Shiny",
  theme = bslib::bs_theme(
    version = 5,
    primary = "#002FA7",
    `form-check-input-checked-bg-color` = "#002FA7"
  lang = "en",
    style = "margin-top: 20px;",
      width = 8, offset = 2,
        title = "Bootstrap 5 Switches for Shiny",
        switchInput("input1", label = "Default switch checkbox input", width = "100%"),
        switchInput("input2", label = "Checked switch checkbox input", value = TRUE, width = "100%"),
        switchInput("input3", label = "Disabled switch checkbox input", disabled = TRUE, width = "100%"),
        switchInput("input4", label = "Disabled checked switch checkbox input", value = TRUE, disabled = TRUE, width = "100%"),
        sliderInput("controller", "Controller", min = 0, max = 4, value = 0, step = 1),
        switchInput("input5", "Input switch that can be updated")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$value1 <- renderText(input$input1)
  output$value2 <- renderText(input$input2)
  output$value3 <- renderText(input$input3)
  output$value4 <- renderText(input$input4)
    # TRUE if input$controller is odd, FALSE if even.
    x_even <- input$controller %% 2 == 1
    updateSwitchInput(session, "input5", value = x_even)

shiny::shinyApp(ui, server)